Sunday, March 22, 2009

Guate, round 2, Retaluleu and beyond...


Food and 23-year-old rum for 12 (11 1/2) people: $50.

Minor tornado during outdoor jazz performance: messed up coda and flying papers.

Warmth and generosity of Central Americans: Priceless.

That's my mastercard ad for the week.

First let me say that Don Zacapa rum *is* all it's cracked up to be. So smooth! The ride to Reu gave me a awful headache--bumpy roads mixed with lack of sleep and the air thick with heat. Got there and the hotel was historical and neat. And the weather was HOT!! And muggy. The concert went well, even though there were bugs and wind so rough that even our clothespins didn't work. Other than that, good.

This morning I fell asleep in the car on the way out of Reu, and when I awoke, I was in the chipper-est mood I've been in in a while. Not sure if it was because of the Thay book I was listening to on my ipod, the extra rest, or the gorgeous scenery outside of Antigua, but it was marvelous.

Fortunate as I am, Ivonne decided we'd stop in Antigua, both to find Jordan's thing and because it's Semana Santa, there were going to be religious processions! It was very exciting. I don't remember loving Antigua so much. Here are some pictures:

Here's a video of the procession:

Amazing, huh? I've been invited into homes. People here are so warm, kind, and generous. Also, they're never tasted Thai food. Next time I come (to sing at the National Theatre, the grounds of which are fantastic, by the way), I'll bring some Thai curry paste, if they'll let me in the country with it.

That's all for now. There's more but I'm getting sleepy. I'll be back tomorrow, and then back to realidad.


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