Wednesday, March 18, 2009

guatemala, round 2, night 1

So the armed guards are so nice. Actually, they're not guards, They're national policemen. And my walk? It turned into a drive. In the police car. But whatareyougonna do? Ditch 'em? Anyway, I skipped my way around a mall, found a nail place that waxed my eyebrows for 35 quetzales (roughly $4-5), and Juan Manuel (one of said armed policemen) sat there and waited. And he followed me through a housewares shop. And took off his gun and had it locked away before walking through the metal detector after I laughed, pointed at a sign with a gun crossed out, and said "Uh oh, no armas" while I went into a bank to change money. All the while we somehow carried on a conversation, even though he literally speaks no English whatsoever (pat me on the back here or give me a cookie or something). Then he told me I couldn't walk back to the hotel (it's about a block and a half) because it was too "peligroso". Hmmm, we'll have to see about this manana. 'Cause there's no way I'm not going to the central market. I'm very appreciative of all this seguridad, but it's also very, VERY weird.

Went to the concert at IGA tonight, LOVED it. It was awesome. Then my driver drove me back to the hotel, followed, of course, by my two new besties, the armed policia.

I found out a bit more about my schedule here. Tomorrow morning I'll give a clinic on vocal improvisation (among other things), and then I get the day off to hopefully go to the central market, hopefully find Jordan a faja, find Raph some 23-year-old rum, and wander a bit.

Friday there's press in the morning ( I have no idea if it's radio or paper, my Spanish isn't good enough to have figured that one out), rehearsal, then the concert that night. Then Saturday, the whole bands gets in a van to give another concert in Retalhuleu, a place I haven't been yet and didn't visit on the last trip, so that should be cool, as it's near the coast. That's all for now. Gonna go plans set lists and get some rest. I'll leave you withtwo pictures. One of my very clean and hygenic (o higienizado) toilet seat in my hotel, thankyouverymuch to the OCD gods, and one is picture of me and Juan Manuel:

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Blogger Ryolkut said...

Travel safe and enjoy your adventure!

4:24 AM  

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