Sunday, July 08, 2007

newsy newsy news

so, uh, i guess i've been bad for like 6 months at writing in this blog. i don't know if i've been busy, or if i've just become obessesed with reviewing food on

anyway, for news, I sang at the Oscars (you can see a clip on the website), ond, oh! on the NBA finals little commercials, too (you could catch me if you TIVO'd it)! Um, I've been teaching quite a lot, too, at a community school, at a university, and now I'm on vacation in new mexico (i know, why am i on the internet?...mostly 'cause there's free wireless in the hotel, and how can i NOT take advantage of that?!).

hmm, what else? can't think of anything much you might liek to hear. over and out. -leiby


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